I'm trapped! in the middle of a discussion which I'm not part of it, but have to pay attention to it, with no slightest idea where the discussion head to.
You know, when you see people with power or at least pretend that they have power to change things, talk to each other with judging note and pretend to discuss problem which they don't (they just toying around with not-so-new idea and positioned it like you'll die if you not talking about it, and no intention to make it end), and you realize that all this crap they talking about is not contribute to the big solution you think you have to produce by the end of the session, then you doomed! You'll got nothing, you'll not produce anything and forget anything about contribution to the bigger part, you're trapped! nowhere to run, with solution that never come out and stone-head people who think they too important to listen others.
In the middle of this indefinite discussion, I'm distracting myself with another complex concept, in this case : Heisenberg's uncertainty concept. At first I thought it's a math problem, specific to observation theory, but then I found out that it's physic, part of it was observation theory, and the small part of quantum mechanics. Haha... there I said it, no-brainer-blabber of qantum mechanics...
But here it is, I try to link the theory I just read to the specific condition i'm trapped into. Heisenberg build the concept specific to particle observation, I make it an analogy for observing human behavior.
In simple, the uncertainty concept on observing particle told us that when we know the exact velocity of particle, we'll never know it's exact position and vice versa. Simplify to a simple conclusion "you'll never know anything perfectly, in particle or even person". Linkage to my current purgatory here... these people are babbling about a subject, with different view, where they make it a absolute condition for everything about the subject. But hey, how come you know it's absolute for everything when you narrow your view just to a little part of it??? Can we just define the whole framework first then observe it in any angle you people think you expert on then we can summarize those up to a solution that maybe not perfect but a solution that we can live it through. It just the same with observing the position of particle in a wave packet on Heisenberg theorem.
Haaahhh.... here I am, babbling no-brainery about something high level thing like quantum mechanics with the whatever linkage it has with human behavior, in the middle of a what-the-he*l-they-talking-about discussion! I'm doomed!