Sunday, May 2, 2010

Short term goal : study abroad!

I've decided to take Dutch language course at Erasmus Taalcentrum. Some of my friends questioning me, "why dutch?", my answer is simple: "I want to take my master there!".

There, I said it. Sometimes when you want to commit to something you have to say it out loud, so people who hear it will be reminder of your commitment. And so I said it.

Until last year, I still don't have any particular plan for my future, short term or long term. I think about it over and over then I come with the decision, yes, I want to take master in technology and innovation management, and yes, I want to take it abroad.

Then, why Dutch? 3 reasons:
1. Dutch is in the list of country that cover in Depkominfo scholarship. I don't have enough money to go on my own, so I have to rely on scholarship, and Depkominfo is my first priority,
2. Netherlands is in Europe, and it will be easier for me to have a euro trip kekekeke... :D
3. I will have access to most of books and documents about VOC and Hindia colonization. Haha... there it is, the history-freak-side of mine :)

The timeline is a year from now, after I finish my 2-years contract with my company, and I want to do a little research for my thesis topic. For now, it still "managing innovation in telecommunication company to face the era of internet domination". Yap, it based on my experience so far in this company. The topic will improve, and I have to do more research on that.

So, my friends... if you have any information or any input for me, I'm open for discussion.. and wish me luck... :)


tiffatora said...

put, temen gw ada yg masternya dapet di TU Delft beasiswa dr Depkominfo, anak 2001 sih. Sekarang dia sedang nerusin PhD di univ yang sama. Jurusannaya IT tapinya.

Mau ngambil dimana universitasnya?

Unknown said...

targetnya sih Eindhoven ama Delft, so far baru tau di 2 uni itu yg ada riset soal management inovasi... siapa teh? siapa? dulunya jurusan apa? mau kontaknya dong... hehehe... mau nanya2... :D

tiffa said...

tadinya anak UGM, trus dpt beasiswa kesana deh.

Namanya Dwi. Panggilannya Einstein -mantap ya :D-

Ada di FB gw da, coba mesej dan add aja namanya Dwi 'Einstein', bilang aja temennya Tiffa gt.

Eh kita udah temen kan ya di FB? :D

Batari Saraswati said...

technology and innovation management? di kampus gue, bidang itu terkenal lhooo. tapi di jepang, bukan di belanda hehe. Jepang aja yuk Put! :)

Unknown said...

@tiffa : sepertinya kita belum 'friend' di FB, entar sekalian di add deh :) *dahlamagkcekFB*

@batari: wooo... batari di jepangnya dimana??? buat sekalian masukan jg... hehehe...

Batari Saraswati said...

Tokyo Institute of Technology. Email me for more information, Put :)

Unknown said...

sip... thanx ya bat :)

cchocomint said...

ayo ayo ayo kita wujudkan!!!!!
:D :D :D