Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ok... now blame the technology!!!

I read this article this morning and feel dissapointed. What it is??? What's the meaning of this??? So, right now, in the 21st century, when technology and network reach everybody... then technology get the right to be blamed for every sins man done??? oh please...

At Monday afternoon my GM told me something interesting... The one that connect to our network is devices, but the one that do the payment is human, so we focus on what makes human want to pay us. It's the person, not the tools! So, could you blame Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, Plurk... or most ridiculously, mobile operator for what human done through their network?!?!

If you want to makes people better, then educate them about the fundamental one... in islam vocabulary, it's aqidah! Human's faith and devotion to their God. One example that my father told me, "jangan takut ngelakuin zina karena takut hamil, hamil sih sekarang bisa dicegah pake obat dan segala macem, tapi takutlah karena Allah bakal marah sama kamu kalau kamu melakukan zina! takutlah karena itu dilarang oleh agamamu, takutlah karena kamu ingat pada Tuhan-mu". And in case of social networking and telecommunication, we use them because we need it to communicate with others, to silaturahmi and do our job well. If we want to do what called sins, we won't do it because we keep our comitment with God.

Don't blame the technology, it just something human created, with initial purpose to make human civilization better. Technology, use it wisely! I think that is the key to prevent whatever sins can be happened through it. God give us brain not just to make our body move, but also to make us think! That's why we different from animal.

NB: dengan segala kerendahan hati, tulisan ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menyinggung satu golongan tertentu. Diskusi dan mengemukakan pendapat adalah satu bagian dari mencari ilmu. Dan sebagai seorang muslim yang berkecimpung di bisnis telekomunikasi, saya merasa saya perlu mengemukakan pendapat saya. Terimakasih.

1 comment:

anggun oktari said...

anggun oktari likes this (jempol) *facebook mode on* :D