Monday, July 27, 2009

Negeri di awan

I'm deeply into 90's Indonesian music this week. Googling for reference, I found several titles that I never heard for long time... like Voodoo- salam untuk dia, Rumah Sakit - Hilang, Cherry Bombshell - Langkah peri, Rida Sita Dewi, old Titi DJ songs etc...etc...

And then I found a title, my favourite Indonesian song for all time, comes from legendary Kla Project... Negeri di Awan. I really love that song!

I remember when I was a child, sometimes I just climb my house to sit in the roof, looking at the sky. My pure-child-mind (or should I say it stupidity) always believe that there is actually a land in the sky, influenced by old Disney story and of course, Doraemon. I believe that there is floating land that disguise by the cloud, where some people that dressed like ancient greece lives peacefully (Don't ask me why it is greece, I don't remember why either). And then, I always thought about that song everytime I sat there, in the roof, day dreaming that someday I will live there too, a country floating in the sky. hehe... you see... stupid.

Then, almost 18 years later, come to the first time I flight with a plane conciously (it's not actually my first time flight, but the last time I flight is when I really small, and I don't remember it at all), and I see the cloud from above! it's actually a wonderfull experience, like my childness-daydream comes to reality... hehehe... I will never forget this scenery for whole my life :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I'm on vacation at Jogja, and just come back from wathcing Ramayana Ballet at prambanan temple. What a beautiful show! It takes place at prambanan open theater, with the three biggest temple of prambanan as the background. The story itself is the usual ramayana story. The dancers skill amaze me, and i keep wondering, when Lss can perform their own sendratari show???

It will be spectacular and dangerously difficult. Spectacular for the scope of the show, difficult because the need of high skill player. But really, it will be amazing if LSS can make it. The newest format of Pagelaran is the first step to improve LSS standard of show. And someday, I believe we can make our own sendratari show :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Berjalan sendiri-sendiri

Aku selalu merasa adegan di video klip atau film atau sinetron... dimana dunia mendadak bergerak cepat di sekitar sang tokoh dan dia sendiri, diam, motionless, hilang nyawa, tenggelam dalam dunianya sendiri... itu sangat berlebihan. Tapi siapa sangka aku akan merasakannya.

Jalanan raya ini masih tetap sama, udara kota panas ini masih tetap sama, dan mengerikannya kesepianku tetaplah sama.

Sejak kecil aku dibesarkan dengan prinsip, saat kau susah, percayalah orang lain jauh lebih susah, saat kau sedih, percayalah orang lain jauh lebih sedih. Hanya saja aku menerjemahkannya menjadi: kalo kamu susah jangan tambah nyusahin orang, dan saat kamu sedih jangan ikut-ikutan bikin sedih orang lain. Dan begitulah, kutukan bernama kesepian itu dimulai.

Dan sekarang, saat aku merasa capek dan sedih teramat sangat, siapa yang bisa kudatangi? tak ada. Berteriak pun hanya akan membuatku terlihat gila, dan akhirnya aku hanya diam, menatap kosong ke jalanan di depanku, membiarkan dunia berjalan cepat melewatiku.

Aku salah, selama ini aku merasa kesepianku akibat dari tak ada orang yang menganggapku cukup penting, ternyata sebaliknya... akulah yang merasa diriku tak cukup penting. Dan begini jadinya, hanya aku dan kesepianku serta dunia di luar sana, berjalan sendiri-sendiri.

- Trem -