Tuesday, November 9, 2010

broke, period!

Do you know that when you're overseas a single message sent and received through your Blackberry messenger cost you Rp. 6500???

And do you know that a single window Blackberry messenger conversation has at least 3 lines of message??? maybe like...
A : hey, I'm at singapore right now...
B : oh really? buy me some keychains then :D
A : ok, no problem :)

And do you know that 1 singapore simple keychain cost you SGD$2 (~Rp.15.000) at the very least but that goddamn conversation cost you Rp. 19.500???

And what happen when you has 10-15 BB messenger conversation daily, with at least 20 line messages and you are overseas for 3 days??? Nothing happens until you get your phone bill at the end of the month...

And all of that will happens if you forget to turn off your data service or in my case there are some goddamn error in the system, so instead of registered in free blackberry international roaming package, the system read you as just stupid-soon-to-be-broke international roaming subscriber who turn on her data service when she's overseas, like me! Yes, LIKE ME!!!


Anonymous said...


Batari Saraswati said...

aww that's bad :( turut berduka cita put

Unknown said...

@k'muy : ketawa aja sana... ketawa... gak akan ditraktir!!!

@bat : huaaa... terimakasih, masih gk mau bayar. employer sih employer, tp klo error tetep aja gw jg dirugikan -_-

Sannya said...

mending pake Data roaming put :D hihi, pelajaran buat jalan-jalan kite amin :D

Unknown said...

daftar nya... cuman error... kebacanya jadi biasa aja... :(