Thursday, June 21, 2012


(noun): something (as a tune, style, or logo) that serves to set apart or identify; also : a characteristic mark
[Merriam Webster Dictionary]

This morning, someone (a.k.a Tiffa) ask me via twitter, ‘Is Coraline Tim Burton’s movie?’. And my answer is : No, it’s not. But then, she ask one of her friends and the answer is : ‘it’s the same one with the maker of nightmare before christmas’. Nightmare Before Christmas is Tim Burton’s, so it means Coraline is Tim Burton’s? No, it’s not. Coraline is directed bya Henry Selick, the one who apparently direct the animation for Nightmare Before Christmas. So, Tiffa’s friend’s statement is right, as long as he/she wasn’t intended it to be Tim Burton.

Anyway, I want to talk about other thing based on it. People will jump to conclusion that Coraline is Tim Burton’s because of it similarity with Nightmare Before Christmas that is Tim Burton’s. And Tim Burton’s work is always known for its slightly dark aura and unconventional storyline, which also we can find in Coraline. So, naturally, people will perceive Coraline as Tim Burton’s work. I feel bad for Henry Selick though, it’s his work but people perceive it differently. Not that Tim Burton’s at fault, but his style is so strong that people remember it clearly to the point they just have to watch and recognize it. Dark and unconventional, that is Tim Burton’s signature.

We find this kind of signature in other things. The physical things like New York City and the Liberty Statue, The prefix ‘i’ to every digital device by Apple, the famous tune when you switch on your Nokia phone. To characters attached to human being and their works: Muhammad SAW and trustworthiness, Gandhi and his opposition to violence, the simple line ‘saya turut prihatin’ from Indonesia’s current president, SBY everytime he made a speech, appearance of ‘11.11’ in Joko Anwar’s work....

What is yours?

That question popped up in my mind immediately. What’s mine? Is there something unique in me that will always be remembered by others as mine?

Some of us own a signature that more to our physical trait or material attribute. Like how my friends really like to affiliate me with those chinese vampire creature because my house is located near chinese graveyard. To some point, it’s okay to be known by that kind of signature, but you know, like Steve Jobs’s boring black Issey Miyake shirt is just a little part of his profile, one day I want to be known for a greater cause too. Something that will always stays on people’s mind about me, something that valued, something that makes me be remembered by others when I’m gone. In Indonesia, we have the right proverb to express it:

“gajah mati meninggalkan gading, harimau mati meninggalkan belang”
[elephant dies leaving ivory, tiger dies leaving skins]

I’m still searching for it. And you, what unique point you want to be known as? How do you want to be known when you’re gone?

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