Friday, May 15, 2009

living alone...

it's almost a month since my last post. Sorry blog... quite hectic this day, especially when I realize there's so much to learn... but then, because we don't know everything and we can't do everything, that makes life more interesting :)

So, anything new?
actually I wanna share about my thought of live alone. Jakarta, the metropolitan, the city I call 'my new home'... my father once said... "sejahat-jahatnya ibu tiri, masih lebih jahat ibu kota..."
hahaha... that's funny! I don't know what kind of experience my father had in Jakarta, until he had that kind of thought, but the real thing is he want me to take care of myself more carefully.

21 years of my life, I never live away from my family for more than 2 months. Mamah always wake me up in the morning and cook delicious breakfast for me, then Aa Guna always give me a ride to almost anywhere, and Intan will give me a call at noon just to ask where I am then shut the call :D... by the end of the day, when I get home, my father ask about my day... share his thought and broaden my knowledge... honestly, I really miss that time :)

But you know... Bandung and my family will always be my comfort zone. The place where whatever happen to the world will always makes me happy... it's good, but grown up is about feels hurt... to learn how to stand up after you fall down... and in my case, it's difficult to get the experience if I still stay close to my so-called-comfort zone.

It's not easy for me to make such decision like living alone in a city like Jakarta. But I realize that it's a phase that I have to pass, somekind of a test for me. So... enjoy aja deh... hehehe...


Anonymous said...

n enjoy it..

anggun oktari said...

saya belum pernah kos, put,, belum pernah tinggal tidak seatap dengan orang tua,, huu jadi kabita

Astrid said...

samaaa kitaa..hehe.
Put, baru sebulan?
Masih ada sbulan mendatang yang membuat keadaan semakin terasa buruk..haghaghag=E

narpen said...

dinikmatin dong puuut, menurut gw mah, jakarta asik ko..
apalagi kan temen2 lo banyak yg di jkt juga.. ya ga, ya ga? ;)

Unknown said...

yup, intinya emang nikmatin. Sejauh inimah nikmatin kok, dan kayaknya bakal terus nikmatin... tapi ya kangen2 bandung mah tetep ada lah... hehehe...