Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another interview...

Yesterday, when I was watching Kyle XY at Star Movies, my phone rang... and tadaaaa... it's from Telkomsel (it's the real one!), and guess what? I have to attend an interview at 3 p.m. at Wisma Mulia Jakarta. Hmmm... ok, I just have an hour to prepare and less than 3 hours to arrive at Wisma Mulia... nice.

Alhamdulillah... I can catch up with it. Cipularang really make it easier to travel jakarta-bandung in a day. Honestly, this jakarta-bandung-jobseek-trip has been a habit for me, and it's quite fun... hehehe... :p

1 comment:

Astrid said...

wohohoh..alhamdulillah ahirna beneran ditelepon!:)
gile gt ya jd jobseeker, semena2 musti dateng ke luar kota dalam itungan jam..
hm, naik travel y, put? thank God udh byk travel yg siap brangkat per stgh jam ya?hehe..

klo keterima jangan lupa traktiir:D