Saturday, January 24, 2009

Me, myself and internet

It's already January 24, 7 days until february, but... my speedy quota has out of limit -_-. Ugh, I can hear my father shout right in my ear, "PUPUT!!! BERAPA KALI PAPAH BILANG, PAKE SPEEDYNYA YANG AWET!!! KENAPA BISA LEWAT KUOTA LAGI HEH???"

errr... why??? lets see, ummm... I did a lot of download from Youtube, not to mention some streaming, browse several sites with heavy images, blog and facebook update, and yeah... download some mp3 too ----- Ok, my bad, sorry father m(_ _)m

Internet has been the center of my daily life this last 2 years. No day without check email, no day without rileks (when I still in college), and no day without update blog and blogwalking. A year ago me and my parent make an agreement that I won't go out pass maghrib anymore (except it is really necessary), then they'll make the internet available at home. I did some survey and decide that 1GB speedy package is the most suitable for me at the time.

But this last 3 months, the speedy bills has out of its normal. The worst is November's bill, it's almost 1 million, from a normal 220 thousand (I can still remember my father's anger that time -_-). And this month, once again, the quota usage has been out of limit. Seems that 1GB quota is not sufficient for my internet needs anymore. With me being jobless, stay at home almost everyday, and no activity that can makes me away from my laptop, internet is the only thing left. Haaahhh... I must do other activity, make myself occupied and away from internet for a while, until I get a job and can pay my own internet bill. Any suggestion?

nb : I make this post at a warnet... and it's really slowwwww...


Anonymous said...

The worst is November's bill, it's almost 1 million, from a normal 220 thousand

Busyet Putz...
Btw, saya dulu pake yg 1GB jg, alhamdulillah jarang berlebihan. Tips berhemat: tetapkan jam khusus buat internetan, misalnya maks 1-2 jam per malam

Klo ga bisa, ya memang harus upgrade ke unlimited; coba pake telkom flash atau IM2.

Biar ga nganggur, nulis buku aja, kumpulan puisi2.. kyk jaman SMA dulu Putz, puisi ama cerpennya Puput kan bagus2. hehe

Unknown said...

iya pengennya sih ganti, tapi entar aja lah nunggu punya penghasilan sendiri :D

nulis lagi ya... hmmm... bisa dipertimbangkan, tapi sebenernya gak enaknya bikin cerita itu jadi bikin kebanyakan ngayal... hahaha... semoga saja bisa diseimbangkan :)

Batari Saraswati said...

ganti ke provider yang punya paket unlimited?
Atau kalau buka situs yang banyak gambarnya, gambarnya di-block aja.jadi hemat. hehe

Batari Saraswati said...

ganti ke provider yang punya paket unlimited?
Atau kalau buka situs yang banyak gambarnya, gambarnya di-block aja.jadi hemat. hehe

Unknown said...

@ bat: yang itu udah dicobain tuh, ternyata lumayan juga ngaruhnya... hehehe...

Anonymous said...

wahahaha ada yang bisa marahin puput!

ala gian aja,,gambar di block,terus kalo mau donlot copy linknya, kalo udh banyak linknya ke warnet/kampus terus donlot disono..