Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Learning in the hard way....

A week become an employee and I face my first personal problem... my 1-week-old shoes is ripped! Yes, it's a week old and it no longer wearable. DAMN!

With my income issue, I have an intention to reduce my monthly expense. Cause I know that I have to mange my personal finance by myself now with consideration of my future plan, like take S2 degree, buy new phone (Blackberry :D), buy new car, pay my parent go hajj, buy an apartment etc...etc... That's why when I searched for new home (a.k.a kos-an) the number 1 prior criteria is the one that is walking-distance away from office. And I got it, just 10 minutes walk from Wisma Mulia, nice home, nice neighborhood. Everything seems perfect at that time, the problem comes a week later, and not about the kos-an but when I walk 10 minutes on a not-so-smooth way to the office.

My new shoes is like my usual shoes : black and simply, with new addition: 1 cm wedges. I'm in a rush to move to Jakarta when I bought the shoes, that's why I didn't try the shoes properly and it's a disaster. I never got any major problem with heels, actually I like heels, as long as it has a reasonable size, but wedges??? I think we can't be friend at all. I can't walk properly with wedges, eventhough I walk in the smooth surface. The fact that I didn't try it properly give me a huge regret, because it's not a thirty-thousand-kota-kembang shoes, it's a twice-weekly-income shoes and for me it's not cheap at all. The effect... my foot hurt and now... my shoes hurt.

The initial intention with has a near home to office is to reduce transportation cost... but with wrong judment in choosing shoes the cost won't reduce, because I have to buy new one and it's equal with (maybe more than) the transportation cost that I have to spend in a month if I take bus everyday to office. So, the learn-in-the-hard-way results... don't buy shoes just because it's black and simply, don't buy shoes if you in a rush and don't buy shoes if it has wedges!


Anonymous said...

wait wedges is good's more comfortable than shoes with high heels that can make my foot mumbling over me..hehe though it can make me walks look like a top model ( ada yg bilang ding..hihi)

put mind if i put your cafe latte reguler in my link??

Unknown said...

gah... never like wedges... viva heels!!!

just link it, i would do the same too.

rime said...

untung gua kalo ke kantor ga harus pake "pantopel", hahaha..

jadi gua bisa memilih sepatu sporty yang cantik, yang bisa dipake buat ngirit ongkos plus membantu mengurangi CO2... dan juga gaya, hahaha...

PS: kok foto sepatu2 kamu ga diupload put? ;)