Monday, February 1, 2010

Coba Katakan

"aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan.
terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa.
aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti.
lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini"
[Coba Katakan - Maliq & D'essentials]

This song keeps playing over and over in my head... first time watching Maliq & D'essentials live performance at New Day for Indonesian Music event by LangitMusik Telkomsel last saturday. Really great performance and the music composition at the performance is more fabulous than the one in the recording. And one thing I really like from their songs... it's trying to make us see the reality of something. Dream and hope is one thing... but still... they're imaginary. Real act will bring them to life.